The rural County of San Benito, south of the Bay Area is home to many agricultural workers. Some are migrants, others permanent. Many of them are recent immigrants, and many do not speak English. These are the people producing food you might have on your table tonight – Earthbound Farms organic bagged salad greens, Christopher Ranch garlic are two of the many farms you may recognize from the grocery. Your farmers market likely has farmers from here if you live in the greater San Francisco Bay Area.
We have built relationships and trust with this community over years. Examples of service include:
- English language training for women
- After school program for migrant kids
- Civics training – Imparting an appreciation for our nation’s foundations and responsibility for sustaining it through civic duty while preparing for the citizenship exam.
- Weekly Prayer for Schools
- Women’s Retreats- leading local women’s retreats focusing on sincere growth with Jesus and building a community of strengthened Christian women that shine Christ for those around us.
- Public School – Working in the public schools is vital ministry. Nothing other than the family has more effect on a child’s values, character, and future than their many hours spent at school. 80% of the children at the local public school are low income, and 60% are learning English as a second language. Helping them get a strong education affects the rest of their lives. Christians dedicating time in schools can have a great impact on children.
We partner with the local schools and community through helping in classrooms, taking part in school improvement plans, visiting talks…any way that our skills can encourage and aid students and staff!