Patrick Terminals Enterprise Agreement 2016

After 12 months of negotiations on a new company deal, the MUA has dispatched strikes on Patrick`s East Coast. Patrick TerminalsThe Patrick Terminals 2016 company agreement expired on June 30, 2020. The documents for the drafting of procedure and procedure AM2019/17 can be found on page AM2016/15 – Re-each version of the plain language. LCR Mining Group Pty Ltd v. The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union [2016] FWCFB 400 (C2015/8035). VICE PRESIDENT CATANZARITI, VP, SAMS, DP, ROBERTS, APPROX. 4 FEBRUARY 2016. Patrick Stevedores Holdings Pty Ltd v The Maritime Union of Australia [2016] FWC 510 (B2016/212). WATSON, Vice-President. 29 JANUARY 2016. If your application has already been submitted, you can check the status of your contract by sending an email to the Commission`s team for agreements. In recent days, several companies in the CTAA Alliance have asked when currently protected union actions could land at DP World terminals across Australia and what the possible future of industrial disruptions at all container terminals in Australia looks like. Below is an analysis of the current industrial relations landscape for the five container stowage plants in Australia.

In the case of current applications, the following links provide access to the agreement or modification. Termination would also eliminate contractual matters that Patrick says should be subject to the policy, such as “providing Foxtel, protective clothing, gym allowances, prescription glasses, tea/coffee and milo, quiet rooms and Wi-Fi, bulletin boards, microwaves, refrigerators, chairs, grills, etc. lounges and reclining seats”. “In the long run”, i.e. in just six months, the termination of this agreement will reduce workers` wages by more than 50%. Under the Tieming Industry Award, base annual salaries range from $40,175 to $56,919. Workers employed as casual workers under the award earn a base rate between $27.59 and $39.09 per hour. Patrick Terminals announced early Tuesday evening, October 26, 2021, that he had filed a motion with the industry arbitrator, the Fair Work Commission, for the termination of his contract with the Maritime Union of Australia. Patrick has been negotiating with his employees and the MUA to address these restrictions since February 2020 and has held more than 70 meetings to reach a new company agreement. The MUA initiated more than 220 industrial actions against Patrick Terminals at the national level during the negotiation period.

This has recently intensified with further measures at Patrick`s four terminals in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Fremantle for the coming days and weeks. Michael Jovicic, CEO of Patrick Terminals, said: “Enough is enough. We have presented the WMA with an attractive national offer that complements its already very generous agreement, including a 10% wage increase over four years combined with guarantees that address concerns about the use of casual workers and job security. Negotiations have been going on for almost two years and, frankly, there does not seem to be an agreement, especially in Sydney, where the union still requires us to hire from a select list of family members and friends. The deal is no longer fit for purpose as it includes a number of operating restrictions that have limited Patrick`s ability to meet customer requirements at a time of overloading global supply chains, the container terminal operator said. Victoria International Container TerminalThe October 2016 VICT Corporate Agreement is valid until October 2020. The EE covers VICT staff, whether they are members of the Australian Maritime Officers Union (AMOU) or the MUA. The Stevedor on Tuesday asked the Fair Work Commission to terminate its agreement with the Maritime Union of Australia on the grounds that the agreement was “no longer fit for purpose” and limited its ability to meet customer needs at a time when supply chains were extremely tense due to the pandemic. The analysis shows that there is an increased risk of protected collective action at a number of container terminals across Australia in the coming months, in addition to the measures currently being taken at DP World`s terminals. Hutchison Ports AustraliaOn 16 June 2020, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) approved an amendment to Sydney International Container Terminals Pty Limited (SICTL) and Brisbane Container Terminals Pty Limited (BCT) and the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) 2015 to include an Annex 10 for commercial contracts in the SICTL during the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of collaborative and productive working relationships suggests that the focus is on negotiations and overall attempts at agreement. There is no sign of a lack of confidence in the bargaining process or undermining the collective bargaining process at the company level.

I believe that the suspension is consistent with the public interest and the purpose of the bill. “Under the new agreement, all of our employees not only achieved a 100% lifespan at all four terminals, but also obtained essential security measures regarding their schedules and work schedules – for the first time since the Patrick Dispute in 1998,” tracey said. “This is the best docking agreement we have seen in Australia in many years, having tried from the outset to address key concerns about the job security of UAS members.” The new agreement marks a turning point in waterfront employment and hopefully a new beginning in the relationship between Patrick and his employees,” said Tracey. The list of applications shall include the number of the applicant, the name of the agreement, the title of the agreement, the economic activity, the date of submission of the application, the approval or derogation of the application and the status of the application. Once an application has been approved or rejected, it will no longer appear in the following list. To find an agreement that has been approved or amended, please consult an agreement. The analysis shows that there is an increased risk of protected labour disputes at a number of container terminals across Australia in the coming months, in addition to the measures currently being implemented at DP World Terminals. The Patrick deal was negotiated between muA and Patrick`s former owner, Asciano, shortly before Qube acquired Patrick in 2016. In recent days, several CTAA Alliance companies have asked when the current protected class action at DP World terminals across Australia could end and what the potential future of industrial disruptions looks like at all Australian container terminals.

Below is an analysis of the current industrial relations landscape for the five container stowage plants in Australia. The formation of the plenary in this case AM2016/5 after the resignation of Vice-President Watson is discussed in CLAUSE AM2015/1 – Domestic and Domestic Violence. He said the parties` disagreements were “easy to resolve,” but that Patrick was trying to “defame the workforce in the most shameful way by distorting public perception of a legally sanctioned negotiation process.” .