Lending a hand in Guatemala

2 days, 6 docs, 600 patients
Working through a translator-most of my patients spoke their indigenous language, not Spanish.
The most beautiful waiting room I've ever seen
After a full day of giving injections, there's still time for dancing!
Always cute kids-gotta love pediatrics!
In the school we used as a clinic-very comfortable, despite lacking functional bathrooms.

This summer  found us way out in the rural highlands of Guatemala for a medical camp.  We joined Medicos Por Cristo for their annual medical outreach in Central America.  Medicos Por Cristo is a group of physicians from Latin America who trained and met in Cuba.  They  dedicate time annually to offer free medical care in various parts of Central America in the name of Christ.  This remote village had many people eager to see a physician.  Guatemala has 23 indigenous languages.  Most of my patients did not speak Spanish, and most were also illiterate. Perhaps the most important thing we did was find a baby with severe congential heart disease.  This baby will now receive lifesaving surgery in Guatemala City.