This is the first of a series of insights I'll be sharing with you that we've learned about giving over the years

3 steps to making your help count

How do we decide what to do?  Whether at home opening piles of fundraising pleas,( complete with free address labels and calendars),  or in person facing requests from dear friends around the world, it's overwhelming.   
Voice of the Children has guiding principles we use to make such choices.  Here's 3 of these principles, and how they applied to our work in Guatemala this August. I hope this helps.
We chose to join the team of Guatemalan doctors and pharmacists in work they were already doing.  For years they have dedicated time to pulling together an annual medical outreach in their own countries.  Supporting existing passion and action helps ensure that any extra resources we bring are being invested in something that will not disappear if we do. Voice of the Children does not create "projects", it  empowers already active people.
Lending a hand to what local christian doctors are already doing 
Let's face it, the world's need is a Tsunami overwhelming any of us.  Even the riches of the likes of Bill Gates or Elon Musk can't fix everything.  Thinking we can save the world leads to egoism, depression, burnout, and paradoxically, futile paralysis! We've got to accept that we can't do it all, and ask God to help us sort out where and how he wants our efforts.  We pray alot for direction.  There's plenty of "giving opportunities" we can't answer, and we have to trust God that He's assigning that need to someone else, and that someone will answer.  Ask God, and  pray for the strength and trust to follow that direction.  
The needs of humanity often feel endless-at home and overseas.
The Guatemalan medical outreach was organized and run by Guatemalan medical staff.  Each year they choose a needy area  where one of their own lives and practices.  They also connect with the local churches, so the outreach is a local church effort.    This way, sick people who need more care are connected to an accessible doctor, and spiritual care continues through the local church.    The days of intense medical and spiritual outreach are just an introduction to long term healing relationships, not the end in itself.  That's just the model Voice of the Children loves to support!
Sometimes the only thing you can do is lovingly listen.
Long term, ongoing healing relationships